Steam generators
Besides steam boilers, we also offer steam generators in the range of 120…3000 kg/h per unit. Steam generators are the cheapest and fastest way to produce steam. Our steam generators can work on liquid or gaseous fuels and they will produce steam 8 minutes after start-up. The steam generators we offer produce steam at 11,76 bar.
Steam generators are less costly then steam boilers, but they are not suitable for every application. We recommend steam boilers to consumers with heavy fluctuation in steam demand. Steam boilers have larger water volume and steam chamber which enables to momentarily give a little more.
Steam generators have linear output and if the machine is supposed to give 1000kg/h, this means 16,66 kg/min and 0,27 kg/sec.
Our steam generators come in horizontal and vertical versions. Horizontal model needs a little more space, whereas vertical model is compact, but needs a higher room.
We also offer feedwater tanks, water softening unit and steam armature, to provide you a turnkey technological solution.
Please see more of our horizontal steam generators, vertical steam generators and thermal oil generators.